Our Evolution


For any brand to survive, it must evolve. And evolve we have. In response to Franchisee and patient feedback, marketing research, and regulatory issues, we made the decision to improve our mark, increasing our Brand recognition and keeping us at the forefront of consumers’ minds.

Patient feedback showed that Medi-Weightloss® was easier to remember than Medi-Weightloss®® Clinics®. The word “Medi” implies the program is medical in nature and the use of the word “clinics” was found to be redundant.

- Medi-Weightloss® makes it easier to highlight “weightloss” in our signage, advertising, and promotional products, thus improving Brand visibility

- “Medi Weight loss” was our top patient search for 2012 (69,192), with “Medi Weightloss” second (16,869) and “Medi Weight loss clinics” in third (13,313).

- Medi-Weightloss® provides more flexibility for Franchisees and helps prevent issues in states where laws restrict the use of the word “clinics”.

Obesity Is a Disease

At Medi-Weightloss®, we’ve known this to be true for some time. Now, it’s official. The American Medical Association has classified Obesity as a disease. As obesity is the fastest growing health problem in America and the second leading cause of preventable death, this classification opens new opportunities for the Brand as we have already carved out a niche in the weight loss and weight management field.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), with its emphasis on obesity treatment and prevention, and specifically those programs that provide nutrition counseling from a registered dietitian, means our Brand is well-positioned to take advantage of this opportunity. We are not a fly-by night startup looking to leverage these newfound opportunities. We are a clinically proven, internationally trusted weight loss solution. We will lead the way, putting systems into place to help drive business growth for our Franchisees.

Clinical Outcomes Research

We are fast becoming the industry leader in physician-supervised weight loss outcomes research. For clinicians and patients, this research provides evidence of the benefits, risks, and results of the Medi-Weightloss® Program. For our healthcare managers and stakeholders, this outcomes research identifies effective business strategies to improve the quality and significance of care. Ultimately, it provides the public with information about what makes the Medi-Weightloss®® Program The One That Works®!

Vice President of Research & Development Macklin Guzman has led this award-winning outcomes research, receiving a 2013 Early Career Investigator Award from The Obesity Society (TOS) and being among the finalists in the Clinical Management of Obesity Section, 2013 Poster Competition, at the annual TOS conference.

Signature Supplements & Products

We’re excited about the response to our new Signature Supplements & Products and the enhanced online Shopping Cart, which gives patients easy access to our products while still allowing Franchisees to reap the financial benefits of product sales.

Since 2013, we have introduced a variety of new products, including the Crispy Marshmallow Dream, Zippers, Shake to Go, Premium Protein Shakes, Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal, and Italian Tomato Soup. We’ll be introducing even more Signature Supplements & Products and improving other products to make it easier for patients to adhere to the Medi-Weightloss®Program.

Through weekly eBlasts promoting the enhanced online Shopping Cart, we have increased Brand awareness, and we believe this has and will continue to result in additional revenue for Franchisees and additional traffic to franchise locations. Plus, as long as the customer can be identified as being associated with a franchise location, a percentage similar to if the product was sold in the location goes in our Franchisees’ pocket. You also save money by not having to pay in advance for products, store products on site, and pay administrative costs associated with product sales. Franchisees also can view all Online Cart Sales assigned to their location through our proprietary Advantage system.

Changing Lives Worldwide

The reach and prominence of the Medi-Weightloss® Brand never ceases to amaze me. Al Dar Health Holdings, a privately held, family business based in Dubai contacted us about opening franchises after researching our franchising opportunity on their own. After doing our due diligence, we granted Al Dar Health Holdings a Master Franchise Agreement for the UAE in January 2013. Just one short year later, Al Dar Health’s first Medi-Weightloss® location is up and running in Dubai Healthcare City. The company will soon open its second location in Dubai Jumeirah. Al Dar Health is contracted to open 10 locations over the next four years and we are truly excited to have these go-getters as our first international partners.

It has been a wonderful learning experience to move into a new country, and we continue to receive interest from quality international partners and are encouraged by the opportunity to spread The One That Works! around the world. However, we still have so much opportunity here in the U.S. and that remains our focus and priority. As our Brand grows and reaches new markets, here and abroad, the value of your investment increases. That is our goal!
